Ex parte HEYN - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 1997-1285                                                                                         Page 2                    
                 Application No. 08/307,153                                                                                                             


                          The appellant's invention relates to a method of forming a container closure to be subsequently                               

                 attached to the flange of a separately formed container.  The closure includes an annular frame member                                 

                 which is compatible in shape with the rim of the container and designed for attachment to the container.                               

                 Within the frame, there is a disk portion formed from sheet material.  Appellant calls the disk portion an                             

                 end panel.  This end panel is designed with a pull tab.  During use, the tab is pulled to remove the end                               

                 panel from the closure to allow access to the contents of the container.  At its broadest level, the                                   

                 method of making the closure involves forming the end panel, inserting it into an injection mold and                                   

                 injecting plastic into the mold to both form the frame and attach the frame to the end panel.  This                                    

                 process is generally referred to in the art as insert injection molding.  Claims 20 and 26 are                                         

                 representative of the subject matter on appeal and are reproduced below:                                                               

                          20.  A method of forming a container closure for subsequent attachment to a separate                                          
                 preformed container having a flange for securing the closure thereto, said method including the steps of:                              

                          a) forming an end panel in the shape of a planar disk;                                                                        

                          b) inserting said disk into a mold having a mold cavity for forming a frame member shaped to be                               
                 secured to the flange of a container;                                                                                                  

                          c) injecting plastic material into said mold cavity for forming said frame member and for                                     
                 attaching said end panel to said frame member,                                                                                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007