Ex parte HEYN - Page 4

                 Appeal No. 1997-1285                                                                                         Page 4                    
                 Application No. 08/307,153                                                                                                             

                 C        Claim 29 stands separate from parent claim 26                                                                                 

                 C        Claim 30 stands separate from parent claim 26                                                                                 

                 C        Claim 33 stands separate from parent claim 26                                                                                 

                 C        Claim 36 stands separate from parent claim 26                                                                                 

                          As appellant has provided arguments meeting the requirements of  37 CFR § 1.192(c)(8), we                                     

                 adopt appellant’s groupings.  We start our analysis with claim 26.                                                                     

                          Claim 26 is directed to a process of insert injection molding a frame around an end panel having                              

                 an integral pull tab at its periphery.  As the examiner explains in the rejection (page 3 of the Answer),                              

                 Suzuki teaches placing an insert in a mold cavity and injection molding a peripheral frame and other                                   

                 elements on the insert during forming of a container lid.  FR 196 shows a conventional container closure                               

                 including an end panel insert with pull tab which is attached to a previously injection molded peripheral                              

                 rim.  According to FR 196, the separately formed end panel insert and peripheral rim are bonded                                        

                 together by heat sealing or adhesive bonding (translation: paragraph bridging pages 2 and 3).  The                                     

                 examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to make the container lid with the conventional                                     

                 features of FR 196 by the process steps of Suzuki.                                                                                     

                          Appellant makes two general arguments.  First, in the brief at page 4, appellant argues that                                  

                 Suzuki does not and cannot provide the end panel with a pull tab and FR 196 teaches a different                                        

                 process of making.   Second, in the brief at pages 4 and 5, appellant argues that the combination of                                   

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