Ex parte HEYN - Page 7

                 Appeal No. 1997-1285                                                                                         Page 7                    
                 Application No. 08/307,153                                                                                                             

                 joined.  As pointed out by appellant on page 5 of the brief, FR 196 shows such a radially directed shelf                               

                 portion.  FR 196 denotes the shelf portion as inner rim 3 in the figures.  When forming the closure of FR                              

                 196 by insert injection molding, as suggested by the art combination, the injection mold cavity would                                  

                 necessarily have a cavity for forming the inner rim 3 of FR 196.  We conclude that the examiner has                                    

                 made out a prima facie case of obviousness with respect to the subject matter of claim 29.                                             

                          Claim 30 is dependent on claim 26 and further requires that the mold cavity include a portion                                 

                 for forming an upstanding rib member on the upper surface of the frame member.   In the rejection, the                                 

                 examiner states that the upstanding rib member is deemed an obvious improvement for the lid and is                                     

                 conventional in the art (Answer page 4).                                                                                               

                          Where the appellant has failed to challenge a fact officially noticed or stated to be well- known                             

                 or conventional in the art and it is clear that the appellant has had an opportunity to make a challenge,                              

                 the fact asserted will be taken as admitted.  Cf. In re Ahlert, 424 F.2d 1088, 1091, 165 USPQ 418,                                     

                 421 (CCPA 1970); In re Chevenard, 139 F.2d 711, 712-13, 60 USPQ 239, 241 (CCPA 1944).                                                  

                 The examiner first made the statement of conventionality in the final rejection.  Appellant had an                                     

                 opportunity to challenge the statement both in the after-final response and also in the brief.  Yet                                    

                 appellant presented no such challenge.  Because appellant  has not challenged the statement that                                       

                 upstanding ribs are conventional in the art, the subject matter stated to be conventional is taken to be                               

                 admitted prior art.                                                                                                                    

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