Ex parte GOVE et al. - Page 3

             Appeal No. 1997-1374                                                                                 
             Application No. 08/415,101                                                                           

             The invention relates to grouping spatial light modulator                                            
             elements (SLM’s) in an ordinal format to form picture elements                                       
             in a cardinal format.  In particular, referring to Figure 17,                                        
             SLM elements of the digital micromirror device (DMD) type are                                        
             arranged in an ordinal format.  That is, a row of DMD                                                
             elements, e.g. 59, 61, are arranged directly above DMD                                               
             elements of an adjacent row, e.g. 63 and 65.  The DMD’s are                                          
             grouped to form sub-arrays, e.g. sub-arrays 58, 60, 62, 64,                                          
             and these sub-arrays are arranged in a cardinal format.  That                                        
             is, a staggered format wherein a sub-array in one row, e.g.                                          
             sub-array 58, is aligned between two sub-arrays of an adjacent                                       
             row, e.g. sub-arrays                                                                                 
             62 and 64.  Thus, Appellants indicate, the reduced                                                   
             efficiencies inherent in physically constructing a cardinal                                          
             format are avoided by physical construction in ordinal format,                                       
             while obtaining the better horizontal resolution by grouping                                         
             and operating sub-arrays in the cardinal format.                                                     
             Representative independent claim 1 is reproduced as                                                  


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