Ex parte GOVE et al. - Page 6

             Appeal No. 1997-1374                                                                                 
             Application No. 08/415,101                                                                           

             Mignardi teaches grouping in a cardinal array (brief-page 5).                                        
             Also, with respect to the SLM being of the DMD type, we note                                         
             that Hornbeck teaches known SLM’s to be of the DMD or LCD type                                       
             (column 2,                                                                                           
             lines 11-18), along with arrays of both cardinal (Figure 31)                                         
             and ordinal (Figure 34) format.  Appellants argue:                                                   
                    Applicant’s Claim 1 recites a method of controlling                                           
                    an orthogonal array of spatial light modulator                                                
                    elements that allows an orthogonal array to achieve                                           
                    the increased effective horizontal resolution                                                 
                    available to cardinal array, without the decrease in                                          
                    usable modulator area and contrast ratio that occurs                                          
                    when some modulator structures are fabricated in                                              
                    cardinal arrays (see page 9, lines 3-9 and Fig. 3 of                                          
                    the specification).  (Emphasis added.)  (Brief-page                                           

             The only direct response we can identify, by the                                                     
             Examiner, to this argument is:                                                                       
                    Contrary to applicant’s arguments in their                                                    
                    responses, the patent to Mignardi et al. not only                                             
                    suggests a cardinal format for a DMD but also that                                            
                    sub-arrays can be driven in unison to create pixels.                                          
                    (Emphasis added.)  (Answer-page 3.)                                                           
             We believe the Examiner’s response misses the point.                                                 
             Appellants’ sub-arrays are located in an ordinal array, and                                          
             are controlled (driven) to create a cardinal array effect.  We                                       


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