Ex parte GOVE et al. - Page 8

             Appeal No. 1997-1374                                                                                 
             Application No. 08/415,101                                                                           

             The Examiner has expressed no rational or motivation to                                              
             control an ordinal array to act as a cardinal array.                                                 
             Appellants further argue, in their brief and throughout                                              
             their reply brief, that the claim limitation of "operate in                                          
             unison" is totally different than the "in unison" used by the                                        
             Examiner, as reasoned from the applied references.  Appellants                                       
                    The applicant’s chosen meaning for the term "in                                               
                    unison" is clear.  The original specification                                                 
                    states, on page 19, lines 6-7, "[a]ll of the                                                  
                    elements in a pixel block are controlled in unison                                            
                    such that the pixel block acts like a single pixel"                                           
                    (emphasis added).  One claimed embodiment of the                                              
                    invention further specifies that the "address                                                 
                    electrodes within each sub-array are electrically                                             
                    connected," a limitation that physically requires                                             
                    the mirror elements to rotate, not merely                                                     
                    simultaneously as interpreted by the Examiner, but                                            
                    rather the sub-array "acts like a single pixel" by                                            
                    moving in the same direction and at the same time.                                            
                    (Reply brief-page 2.)                                                                         
             We understand the Examiner’s explanation of Hornbeck,                                                
             that a line can be considered to be a sub-array, and that                                            
             since Hornbeck’s line is operated "simultaneously and                                                
             similarly", one could view this operation as in unison.                                              
             (Answer-page 4.)                                                                                     


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