Ex parte GOVE et al. - Page 4

             Appeal No. 1997-1374                                                                                 
             Application No. 08/415,101                                                                           

             1.  A method for controlling an orthogonal array of                                                  
             spatial        light modulator elements, the method comprising                                       
             the steps          of:                                                                               
             a.  grouping said orthogonal spatial light modulator                                                 
             elements into sub-arrays in horizontal rows such that                                                
             one          said sub-array is horizontally between two                                              
             adjacent sub-          arrays in each adjacent row; and                                              
             b.  controlling each of said modulator elements in                                                   
             each       said sub-array such that said modulator elements                                          
             operate in                                                                                           
             The Examiner relies on the following references:                                                     
             Hornbeck                         5,061,049                         Oct. 29, 1991                     
             Carlson                          5,146,356                         Sep.  8, 1992                     
             Mignardi et al. (Mignardi)  5,240,818                              Aug. 31, 1993                     
             Hornbeck (Hornbeck 2)            5,280,277                         Jan. 18,  1994                    
             (filed Nov. 17,                                                                                      
             Claims 1 through 7 and 9 through 16 stand rejected under                                             
             35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Hornbeck in view of                                       
             Carlson and Mignardi.                                                                                
             Claims 17 through 21 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                                                  
             § 103 as being unpatentable over Hornbeck in view of Carlson                                         
             and Mignardi, and further in view of Hornbeck 2.                                                     
             Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellants and the                                            
             Examiner, reference is made to the brief, reply brief and                                            
             answer for the respective details thereof.                                                           


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