Ex Parte WARNES et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1997-2023                                                        
          Application No. 08/197,497                                                  

               Furthermore, Sarin ‘384 discloses the additive metal                   
          (zirconium) was placed in a separate vessel disposed inside the             
          reactor while aluminum chips were placed in a vessel outside the            
          reactor (col. 4, ll. 29-36).  Claim 1 on appeal recites that both           
          source metals (the aluminum and the additive element) are                   
          disposed outside the coating retort.                                        
               For the foregoing reasons, we determine that the examiner              
          has not established that every limitation of claim 1 on appeal is           
          described by Sarin ‘384.  Accordingly, the rejection of claims              
          1-3 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as anticipated by Sarin ‘384 is                
               B.  The Rejections under § 103                                         
               The deficiencies of Sarin ‘384 as discussed above are also             
          present in the rejections advanced against claims 4-12 and                  
          13-19 under section 103.  Sarin ‘574 does not remedy the                    
          deficiency of the primary reference to Sarin ‘384 regarding the             
          formation of an aluminide coating since Sarin ‘574 is directed to           
          the same type of two phase ceramic oxide coating (see col. 5-6).            
          Furthermore, contrary to the examiner’s analysis of Sarin ‘574              
          (Answer, pages 5-6), this reference does not disclose or suggest            
          the sequential flow of the first halide precursor gas through the           
          aluminum source, leaving an unreacted portion to later react with           

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