Ex parte HIKMET et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-2682                                                        
          Application No. 08/382,937                                                  

          prior art would have been modified and/or combined to arrive                
          at the claimed invention (Answer, pages 3 and 4).  In our                   
          view, the Examiner's analysis is sufficiently reasonable that               
          we find that the Examiner has at least satisfied the burden of              
          presenting a prima facie case of obviousness.  The burden is,               
          therefore, upon Appellants to come forward with evidence or                 
          arguments which persuasively rebut the Examiner’s prima facie               
          case of obviousness.  Arguments which Appellants could have                 
          made but elected not to make in the Brief have not been                     
          considered in this decision (note 37 CFR § 1.192).                          
               In response, Appellants assert (Brief, pages 5 and 6)                  
          that no prima facie case of obviousness has been established                
          by the Examiner since proper motivation for making the                      
          Examiner’s proposed combination has been set forth.  In                     
          Appellants’ view, no teaching exists in any of the references               
          for using a cholesteric filter as part of a light source                    
          having a luminescent layer as claimed.  However, the Adams,                 
          Shanks, and Barnik references, which the Examiner has relied                
          on for a teaching of cholesteric filters, are used in                       
          combination with Welker which clearly teaches a light source                
          with a luminescent layer.  One cannot show nonobviousness by                

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