Ex parte PEETERS - Page 2

             Appeal No. 1997-3098                                                                                 
             Application 08/377,776                                                                               

                                                THE INVENTION                                                     
                    Appellant claims a water conductivity monitor connected                                       
             to a feed water probe and a filtered water probe.  Claims 8                                          
             and 12 are illustrative and read as follows:                                                         
                    8.    A water conductivity monitor that is connected to a                                     
             filter probe and a feed water probe, comprising:                                                     
                    a resistor circuit;                                                                           
                    microcontroller means for generating a plurality of first                                     
             drive pulses and a plurality of second drive pulses that are                                         
             180E out of phase from said first drive pulses, wherein said                                         
             first and second drive pulses are sequentially provided to                                           
             both the filter probe and the feed water probe, and provided                                         
             to said resistor circuit to create a plurality of probe test                                         
             signals and a plurality of threshold test signals; and,                                              
                    comparator means for comparing said probe test signals                                        
             and said feed water threshold test signals and providing an                                          
             output signal to said microcontroller means.                                                         
                    12. A water conductivity monitor that is connected to a                                       
             filter probe and a feed water probe, comprising:                                                     
                    a resistor circuit;                                                                           
                    microcontroller means for generating a plurality of first                                     
             drive pulses that are provided to the filter and feed water                                          
             probes, and said resistor circuit, to create a plurality of                                          
             probe test signals and a plurality of threshold test signals;                                        
                    integrator means for integrating said probe test signals                                      
             and said threshold test signals; and,                                                                
                    comparator means for comparing said integrated probe test                                     

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Last modified: November 3, 2007