Ex parte PEETERS - Page 5

             Appeal No. 1997-3098                                                                                 
             Application 08/377,776                                                                               

             a disclosure of sequentially providing a plurality of phase                                          
             offset driving signals to both probes of the monitor (brief,                                         
             pages 7-8).                                                                                          
                    The examiner’s argument that Tucci ‘598 would have                                            
             suggested using out-of-phase pulses in Birdsong’s system to                                          
             obviate problems relating to electrode probe contamination and                                       
             electrolysis deterioration (col. 1, lines 60-63) is not                                              
             persuasive because the reason why this benefit is obtained,                                          
             Tucci ‘598 teaches, is that an AC signal is used rather than a                                       

             potential and bridge (col. 2, lines 42-48).  As argued by the                                        
             examiner, the reference also teaches that the output of                                              
             comparator 39 is changed to be 180E out of phase with the                                            
             input to probe 27.  However, the examiner has not explained                                          
             why this change in phase, rather than the use of AC rather                                           
             than DC, is what the reference discloses as providing the                                            
             benefit regarding decreased electrode probe contamination and                                        
             electrolysis deterioration.  Thus, it is not apparent why a                                          
             teaching of changing the phase of the output of a comparator                                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007