Ex parte PEETERS - Page 4

             Appeal No. 1997-3098                                                                                 
             Application 08/377,776                                                                               

             plurality of second drive pulses, wherein the second drive                                           
             pulses are 180E out of phase with the first drive pulses and                                         
             the first and second drive pulses are sequentially provided to                                       
             both the filter probe and the fresh water probe, as well as to                                       
             a resistor circuit, to create a plurality of probe test                                              
             signals and a plurality of threshold test signals.                                                   

                    The examiner argues that Tucci ‘598 suggests out-of-phase                                     
             pulses and that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary                                        
             skill in the art to use such out-of-phase pulses in Birdsong’s                                       
             system to obviate problems relating to electrode contamination                                       
             and erosion (answer, page 4).                                                                        
                    The portion of Tucci ‘598 relied upon by the examiner                                         
             teaches that the output from comparator 39 is an AC signal                                           
             which initially is in phase with the AC input applied to                                             
             middle electrode probe 27, but changes to be 180E out of phase                                       
             with the AC input to probe 27 when the resin bed becomes                                             
             exhausted between probe 25 and probe 27 (col. 5, lines 10-16).                                       

                    Appellant argues that this teaching in Tucci ‘598 is not                                      

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Last modified: November 3, 2007