Ex parte PEETERS - Page 7

                 Appeal No. 1997-3098                                                                                                                   
                 Application 08/377,776                                                                                                                 

                 the integral of its input with respect to time.”   The                                2                                                
                 discussion of the integrator circuit or means for integrating                                                                          
                 in appellant’s specification (page 9, lines 13-23) is                                                                                  
                 consistent with this definition.  The examiner has not                                                                                 
                 explained, and it is not apparent, why a component which                                                                               
                 algebraically sums currents is an integrator circuit or means                                                                          
                 for integrating as those terms are used by appellant or would                                                                          
                 have fairly suggested such a device to one of ordinary skill                                                                           
                 in the art.  Consequently, the examiner has not carried the                                                                            
                 burden of establishing a prima facie case of obviousness of                                                                            
                 the invention recited in claims 5-7 and 12-14.  We therefore                                                                           
                 reverse the rejection of these claims.                                                                                                 

                          The rejection of claims 1-14 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over                                                                       
                 Birdsong in view of Tucci ‘598 and Tucci ‘557 is reversed.                                                                             

                          2John Marcus and Neil Sclater, McGraw-Hill Electronics                                                                        
                 Dictionary 275 (McGraw-Hill 1994).                                                                                                     

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