Ex parte FISCHER - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-3178                                                        
          Application 08/464,069                                                      

          identity of the legitimate computer user, and after positive                
          confirmation of identity, recovering the secret digital                     
          information."  Claim 25 recites recovering "secret encrypted                
          digital information" instead of recovering "secret digital                  
          information" as recited in claim 32.  In claims 25 and 32,                  
          the trustee uses the "digital data structure" to confirm the                
          user identity, not just the "identifying information"                       
          portion of the "digital data structure"; thus, the trustee                  
          could use all or part of the digital data structure.                        
          Furthermore, claims 25 and 32 do not recite how the trustee                 
          recovers the secret (encrypted) digital information from the                
          digital data structure; the secret digital information could                
          be encrypted with a public key (as in Kaufman) and the                      
          trustee could just apply its private key (as in Kaufman) to                 
          decrypt and recover the information.                                        

               "Anticipation is established only when a single prior                  
          art reference discloses, expressly or under principles of                   
          inherence, each and every element of a claimed invention."                  
          RCA Corp. v. Applied Digital Data Systems, Inc.,                            
          730 F.2d. 1440, 1444, 221 USPO 385, 388 (Fed. Cir. 1984).                   
                                        - 8 -                                         

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