Ex parte FISCHER - Page 10

          Appeal No. 1997-3178                                                        
          Application 08/464,069                                                      

          this would compromise security.  Moreover, we do not see how                
          a password can be considered information identifying a user.                
               Appellant argues (Br6-7): "Cole fails to disclose the                  
          claimed digital data structure corresponding to a legitimate                
          user that stores 'identifying information identifying the                   
          legitimate computer user' as well as 'secret digital                        
          information in an encrypted form other than said identifying                
               The Examiner finds the digital data structure                          
          limitations in "Cole at col. 2, lines 8-11 and col. 6,                      
          lines 18 [sic, 1-8]" (EA5) and "with Cole an alternate                      
          password is provided" (EA5).  Thus, the Examiner considers                  
          the secondary (alternate) password to correspond to the                     
          "secret encrypted digital information."  Cole, column 2,                    
          lines 8-11, states:  "Upon verification of the user's                       
          identity, the manufacturer or authorized agent supplies an                  
          alternate password to the user."  Cole, column 6, lines 1-8,                
          states:  "Before issuing the alternate password, the                        
          computer manufacturer verifies the identity of the user,                    
          e.g. via warranty information or from a list of computer                    
          serial numbers and associated owners/users.  In this                        

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