Ex parte FISCHER - Page 16

          Appeal No. 1997-3178                                                        
          Application 08/464,069                                                      

                    In an alternate embodiment of the authentication                  
               arrangement, the CSS 24 and the LA 26 may be combined                  
               into a single entity.  Yet, in accordance with the                     
               exemplary embodiment of the invention described below,                 
               the CSS and LA are separate nodes.  The CSS 24 is                      
               accessed at registration to store a user's long-term                   
               credential in a database directory and is thereafter                   
               accessed at login by the workstation 12 to retrieve                    
               that credential for authentication purposes, as                        
               described below.                                                       
               This portion of Kaufman is not very helpful in                         
          explaining how the claim limitations are met and we do not                  
          understand why the Examiner relies on the embodiment where                  
          the CSS and the LA are combined.  Nevertheless, we find that                
          Kaufman anticipates claims 25, 29, and 32, and 36.                          
               The CSS (certificate storage server) node 24 shown in                  
          figure 3 holds a "digital data structure" including the                     
          "username" N, which we find corresponds to the claimed                      
          "identifying information identifying the legitimate computer                
          user" in claims 25 and 32.  The data structure in CSS 24                    
          also includes a doubly encrypted "credential" {{U} , H2}H1    LA-PUB              
          which contains an encrypted private key U (col. 4,                          
          lines 26-32).  For purposes of discussion, we take the                      
          encrypted quantity {U}  to be the claimed "secret digital                   
          information."  {U}  is concatenated with hash total H2 and                  
          encrypted with the public key of the login agent (LA),                      
                                       - 16 -                                         

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