Ex parte FISCHER - Page 20

          Appeal No. 1997-3178                                                        
          Application 08/464,069                                                      

               With respect to claims 30 and 37, the Examiner refers                  
          to column 8, lines 8-24.  We do not find anything in the                    
          cited portion of Kaufman, or in the rest of Kaufman, that                   
          constitutes instructions originated by the legitimate                       
          computer user to be followed by the trustee in the event an                 
          applicant seeks to gain access to secret information in the                 
          digital data structure in figure 4 of Kaufman.  The                         
          anticipation rejection of claims 30 and 37 over Kaufman is                  
               With respect to claim 39, the Examiner refers to the                   
          user's private key at column 8, line 28 (EA7).  However, we                 
          do not find any question authored by the legitimate computer                
          user to be posed by the trustee attempting to recover a                     
          password or encryption key in the digital data structure in                 
          figure 4 of Kaufman and the Examiner does not point to                      
          anything that would meet this limitation.  The anticipation                 
          rejection of claim 39 over Kaufman is reversed.                             
               With respect to claim 45, the Examiner points to                       
          column 8, lines 20-25 (EA8).  We do not find the steps of                   
          obtaining and comparing credentials, as claimed, at that                    
          location or elsewhere in Kaufman.  The anticipation                         

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