Ex parte FISCHER - Page 13

          Appeal No. 1997-3178                                                        
          Application 08/464,069                                                      

          (EA5).  The Examiner also relies on the last two lines on                   
          page 29 (FR3).                                                              
               The cited portion of Dziewit on page 30 is concerned                   
          with using a third party trustee in the process of                          
          authenticating electronically-documented contract                           
          transactions.  Page 29 of Dziewit discloses that                            
          transmissions may be encrypted.                                             
               Appellant's argument with respect to claim 25 that                     
          Dziewit fails to disclose use of information by a trustee to                
          confirm the identity of the legitimate computer user and to                 
          recover the secret encrypted digital information is not                     
          persuasive.  Claim 25 is directed to a digital data                         
          structure stored in a computer memory, not to a system                      
          having a trustee which uses the contents of the digital data                
          structure.  As discussed in the "Claim interpretation"                      
          section, the "wherein" clause is considered a statement of                  
          intended use.                                                               
               Appellant argues (Br12):  "The Examiner identifies no                  
          specific digital data structure in Dziewit that includes                    
          both types of claimed information.  An encrypted, digitally                 
          signed copy of the electronic contract file stored on disk                  

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