Ex parte FISCHER - Page 17

          Appeal No. 1997-3178                                                        
          Application 08/464,069                                                      

          LA-PUB, to form {{U} , H2}H1    LA-PUB, which corresponds to the                    
          claimed "secret encrypted digital information other than                    
          said identifying information" stored in the "digital data                   
          structure."  The CSS 24 is "coupled to said processor" of                   
          the legitimate user, i.e., to workstation 12.  Although the                 
          "wherein" clause of claim 25 is a mere statement of intended                
          use, the LA node 26 acts as a "trustee" and "the digital                    
          data structure is used by a trustee to confirm the identity                 
          of the legitimate computer user and to recover the secret                   
          encrypted digital information."  That is, LA 26 recovers the                
          secret digital information {U}  by decrypting using the                     
          private key LA-PRIV as shown in figure 5 and stripping H2.                  
          The user identity is confirmed for a given user name N if                   
          the hash total H2 from the decrypted credential {U} , H2                    
          associated with the name N matches the hash total H2A                       
          received from the workstation (col. 8, lines 11-24).                        
          Remember that claim 25 states that the digital data                         
          structure is used to confirm the identity, not just the                     
          identifying information portion of the data structure.                      
          Claim 25 is open ended does not exclude the numerous                        
          additional and complicated steps in Kaufman.  Neither                       

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