Ex parte MALLARD - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-4043                                       Page 4           
          Application No. 08/124,332                                                  

               The invention enables immersion UT to be used on pieces                
          having surfaces that may be damaged by immersion.  Initially,               
          a cover plate is placed face-to-face with the processing                    
          surface of a piece.  The perimeter of the processing surface                
          is then sealed to the cover plate to form an acoustically                   
          reflective cavity therebetween.  Because the perimeter of the               
          cover plate is sealed to the processing surface, the component              
          can be immersed for testing, without the processing surface                 
          contacting and being damaged by the immersion fluid.  During                
          testing, ultrasonic waves enter the component, are reflected                
          from the acoustically reflective cavity, and are collected to               
          generate an ultrasonic image of the component.                              

               Claim 7, which is representative for our purposes,                     
                    7.   A cover plate for attachment to a                            
               processing component for protecting a processing                       
               surface thereof during immersion ultrasonic testing,                   
                    a front face,                                                     
                    a back face, and                                                  

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