Ex parte MALLARD - Page 10

                 Appeal No. 1997-4043                                                                                    Page 10                        
                 Application No. 08/124,332                                                                                                             

                 assertion that “a person of ordinary skill would view back                                                                             
                 reflections as something to be minimized in order to improve                                                                           
                 imaging, rather than maximized,” (Reply Br. at 8),  which                                 2                                            
                 militates against the modification proposed by the examiner.                                                                           
                 In view of these omissions, the examiner’s allegation amount                                                                           
                 to impermissible reliance on the appellant’s teachings or                                                                              

                          For the foregoing reasons, we are not persuaded that the                                                                      
                 prior art would have suggested sealing the perimeter of a                                                                              
                 processing surface to a cover plate to form an acoustically                                                                            
                 reflective cavity therebetween as claimed.  The examiner has                                                                           
                 not established a prima facie case of obviousness.  Therefore,                                                                         
                 we reverse the rejection of claims 1-12 under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                                                         


                          2To the contrary, the “Examiner agrees with Applicant's                                                                       
                 desire to minimize ultrasonic reflection at a couplant/object                                                                          
                 boundary ....”  (Supplemental Examiner’s Answer at 4.)                                                                                 

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