Ex parte MALLARD - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1997-4043                                       Page 5           
          Application No. 08/124,332                                                  

                    a sealing rim at a perimeter of said cover plate                  
               for engaging said cover plate to said component with                   
               said front face opposite said processing surface,                      
                    said cover establishing an acoustically                           
               reflective volume adjacent to said processing                          
               surface between said front face and said processing                    
               surface, said reflective volume reflecting                             
               ultrasonic waves entering said processing component                    
               and impinging on said processing surface from within                   
               said processing component.                                             

               The reference relied on in rejecting the claims follows:               
          C.E. Lautzenheiser et al. (Lautzenheiser), “Ultrasonic                      
          Inspection” pp. 161-163, 173-174, 181 and 387.                              

               Claims 1-12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                    
          obvious over Lautzenheiser.  Rather than repeat the arguments               
          of the appellant or examiner in toto, we refer the reader to                
          the briefs and answers for the respective details thereof.                  

               In reaching our decision in this appeal, we considered                 
          the  subject matter on appeal and the rejection advanced by                 
          the examiner.  Furthermore, we duly considered the arguments                
          and evidence of the appellant and examiner.  After considering              

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