Ex parte MANO et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1998-1319                                                        
          Application No. 08/466,188                                                  

          selectable, there must be plural voltages.  Therefore, we have              
          interpreted "voltage selecting data" as plural voltages.                    
          Similarly, claim 44 includes a circuit "for converting said                 
          ... multi-tone image data into voltage selecting data."                     
          Accordingly, we have interpreted claim 44 as including the                  
          production of plural voltages.                                              
               In addition, claims 9, 10, 15, 28, 29, and 34 through 44               
          specify that the voltage output to the matrix display has a                 
          constant voltage level during a horizontal scanning period.                 
          In particular, claims 9, 10, 28, and 44 recite a voltage                    
          output having "a constant voltage level" for (claims 9 and 10)              
          or during (claims 28 and 44) "one horizontal scanning period."              
          Claim 15 recites supplying a voltage having "a constant                     
          voltage level ... in a period for latching data for one                     
          horizontal line."  Claims 34 through 43 recite "outputting a                
          multi-tone voltage having a constant voltage level during one               
          horizontal scanning period."  Claim 29 includes "voltage                    
          selecting means for selecting one of said tone voltages ...                 
          during one horizontal scanning period."  Since only a single                
          voltage is selected during the horizontal scanning period, we               


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