Ex parte PATRELLO - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1998-2537                                                        
          Application 08/680,602                                                      

                    The prior art references of record relied upon by                 
          the examiner as evidence of obviousness are:                                
          Graham                       3,836,345         Sept. 17, 1974               
          Huber et al. (Huber)         4,615,151         Oct.   7, 1986               

                    Claims 1 through 4 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                 
          § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Graham in view of Huber.                

                    Rather than attempt to reiterate the examiner’s full              
          statement with regard to the above noted rejections and con-                
          flicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and appellant                  
          regarding the rejection, we make reference to the final rejec-              
          tion (Paper No. 5, mailed September 2, 1997) and the exam-                  
          iner’s answer (Paper No. 10, mailed February 20, 1998) for the              
          reasoning in support of the rejection, and to appellant’s                   
          brief (Paper No. 9, received November 6, 1997) and reply brief              
          (Paper No. 12, received April 3, 1998) for the arguments                    



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