Ex parte PATRELLO - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-2537                                                        
          Application 08/680,602                                                      

                    In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have                  
          given careful consideration to appellant’s specification and                
          claims, to the applied prior art references, and to the re-                 
          spective positions as set forth by the appellant and the                    

                    With respect to the 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) rejection of               
          independent claim 1 as being obvious over Graham in view of                 

          Huber, we note that the primary reference to Graham discloses               
          laminated grinding wheel (1) having a thickness of usually                  
          between one sixteenth (1/16) of an inch to three (3) inches                 
          (col. 3, lines 36-38), made of a plurality of layers of                     
          stretchable creped paper (8) and abrasive particles (11)                    
          adhered to the crepe paper via thermosetting resin (12),                    
          creating a grinding wheel lay-up.  In an alternative                        
          embodiment, the lay-ups are made of layers of mat paper (2)                 


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