Ex parte PATRELLO - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1998-2537                                                        
          Application 08/680,602                                                      

                    The examiner states that since lay-ups produced in                
          the pressing step above can be used for production of flat or               
          depressed center wheels, “it seems clear that a press with                  
          parallel cavity surfaces capable of producing wheels of flat                
          geometry was used in this compressing step” (final rejection,               
          pg. 2).  The examiner then relies on Huber to teach the use of              
          a mold for producing flat lay-ups or “green” wheels wherein                 
          the resin and the abrasive grain mixture are poured into a                  
          mold and compressed.  From these teachings, the examiner                    
          concludes that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary                
          skill in the art to have used the mixture and mold of Huber                 
          for producing “the instant flat green wheel since these                     
          features produce a desired green wheel suitable for subsequent              
          processing and clamping with plates as taught by Huber” (final              
          rejection, page 3).                                                         

                    In response to the examiner’s rejection, the                      
          appellant argues that the examiner has relied upon hindsight                
          and that the teachings of the present invention were used as a              
          template by  the examiner to recreate the invention as claimed              


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