A decision on preliminary motions was rendered October                                                                        
                 20, 1999.  (Paper 43).  The decision included an order to show                                                                         
                 cause why judgment should not be entered against party                                                                                 
                 Okajima .  (Paper 43 at 21).  In response to the order to show1                                                                                                                         
                 cause, Okajima stated that it would accept judgment against it                                                                         
                 on the issue of priority.  (Paper 45).  However, Okajima made                                                                          
                 a request for final hearing to review the administrative                                                                               
                 patent judge’s decision denying Okajima’s preliminary motion 2                                                                         
                 for judgment against Bourdeau’s claims 13-24 and 26-28 in view                                                                         
                 of various prior art.  (Paper 45).                                                                                                     
                          Party Bourdeau filed a request for final hearing to                                                                           
                 review the administrative patent judge’s decision (1) granting                                                                         
                 Okajima’s preliminary motion 1 to designate Bourdeau’s claims                                                                          
                 13-24 and 26 as corresponding to the count; and (2) denying                                                                            
                 Bourdeau’s preliminary motion 2 to designate Okajima’s claims                                                                          
                 18-20 as corresponding to the count.  (Paper 44).                                                                                      
                          In its principal brief, Bourdeau states that it no                                                                            
                 longer seeks review of the granting of Okajima’s preliminary                                                                           
                 motion 1.  (Paper 49 at 1).  In addition to its principal                                                                              

                          1Bourdeau’s unopposed preliminary motion for benefit of                                                                       
                 its French application 95.08587, filed July 11, 1995 was                                                                               
                 granted.  (Paper 43 at 15).  In its preliminary statement,                                                                             
                 Okajima indicates that it shall rely on its filing date of                                                                             
                 June 18, 1996.                                                                                                                         
                                                                       - 2 -                                                                            

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