PEREZ-SOLAER et al v. KHOKHAR et al v. KHOKHAR et al v. MAEDA et al - Page 5

                Interference No. 103,352                                                                                                      

                         II. The Khokhar motion to disqualify counsel for Maeda                                                               
                (Paper No. 36) relating to an alleged conflict of interest. (KB                                                               
                         III. A purported resolution of a conflict in the "PCT/EPO."                                                          
                (KB 24-26, 37-38).                                                                                                            
                         IV. The prosecution history of the involved Maeda                                                                    
                application. (KB 26-29,38).                                                                                                   
                         V.      The Maeda motion to suppress evidence. (Paper No. 57).                                                       
                         VI. The Khokhar request to return the Maeda reply                                                                    
                associated with Maeda's motion to suppress. (Paper No. 62).                                                                   
                         VII. Whether evidence adduced by Khokhar is sufficient to                                                            
                establish a conception and actual reduction to practice of the                                                                
                invention defined by the count prior to Maeda's effective filing                                                              
                date of March 6, 1985.7                                                                                                       
                         The party Khokhar has presented a record in the form of                                                              
                declaration testimony, and also submitted documentary exhibits.                                                               

                         7Although Maeda's brief (page 1) makes passing reference to                                                          
                a question of Khokhar's diligence with respect to a reduction to                                                              
                practice, that particular question does not arise here since it                                                               
                was not argued in Khokhar's brief and no evidence has been                                                                    

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Last modified: November 3, 2007