EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 16

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               of the conventional means of polymerization will give a                
               hemiisotactic structure.  Ewen 034, col. 5, lines 65-68.               
               Ewen also notes that the “new catalyst produces a                      
               of polypropylene termed hemiisotactic....”  Ewen 034,                  
               col. 9, lines 26-28.  In view of this disclosure, the                  
               “to produce hemiisotactic olefin polymers” limits the                  
               coverage to compounds which necessarily form                           
               polymers.  Compounds that meet the general formula and                 
               hemiisotactic as well as isotactic or other polymer forms              
               are, in my view, outside the scope of the claims.                      
               The APJ did not consider Klouras, because the reference                
          submitted was not written entirely in English (Paper No. 52,                
          p. 2, second full para.).  Finally, with regard to the                      
          unpatentability of Claims 1-3 and 5-7 under 35 U.S.C. § 112,                
          second paragraph, the APJ indicated that “Dolle . . . failed                
          to satisfy the burden of showing that Ewen’s claims 1-3 and                 
          4[sic, 5]-7 are indefinite” (Paper No. 52, p. 13, second                    
               W.   June 30, 1998 -- The APJ entered Sua Sponte Decision              
          On Patentability Of Dolle’s Claims 4, 6-8, 12-26 And Proposed               
          Claims 27-30 (Paper No. 53).  The APJ held that Claims 4, 6-8,              
          and 12-26 then pending in Dolle’s Application 08/147,006,                   
          filed November 1, 1993, and proposed Claims 27-30 of Dolle’s §              
          1.633(c) Motion To Redefine Interfering Subject Matter (Paper               


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