EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 23

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          Application P3916553.1 for the subject matter of amended Claim              
          8 was dismissed as moot (Paper No. 59, pp. 2-3).                            
               DD. June 30, 1998 -- The APJ entered Decision On Ewen                  
          Motion For Judgment No. 1 Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.633(a)(Paper                  
          No. 18)(Paper No. 60).  The APJ denied Ewen’s motion for                    
          judgment that the subject matter of Dolle’s claims is                       
          (1) under 35 U.S.C. § 102 over, and/or under 35 U.S.C. § 103                
          in view of, the teaching of either U.S. Patent 4,892,851,                   
          which issued from Ewen et al. Application 07/220,007 filed                  
          July 15, 1988, or Ewen et al., “Syndiospecific Propylene                    
          Polymerizations with Group 4 Metallocenes,” Journal of the                  
          American Chemical Society, Vol. 110, pp. 6255-56                            
          (1988)(hereafter Ewen JACS), and/or (2) under 35 U.S.C. § 112,              
          first, second, and fourth paragraphs.                                       
               The APJ found (Paper No. 60, p. 8):                                    
               A central issue with respect to Ewen’s motion on                       
               patentability over the prior art and under the first                   
               and second paragraphs of § 112, is the construction to                 
               be given to the phrase “sequence length” as used in                    
               Dolle’s claims and specification.                                      
          The APJ construed the phrase “sequence length” in Dolle’s                   
          claimed “process for the preparation of a syndio-isoblock                   
          polymer having molecular chains in which syndiotactic and                   


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