EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 25

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               are average values and can be derived by statistical/                  
               mathematical calculations....                                          
          The APJ indicated that the singular form of the term “sequence              
          length” is customary for and consistent with an average                     
          sequence length (Paper No. 60, p. 10, first full sentence).                 
          to the APJ, the Declarations of Drs. Atwood and Scott do not                
          expressly contradict Dr. Winter’s declaration (Paper No. 60,                
          first full para.).                                                          
               The APJ held that dependent Claim 8 is properly construed              
          to include all the limitations of the claims upon which it                  
          depends.  Accordingly, he denied the motion for judgment that               
          Claim 8 is unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 112, fourth                       
          paragraph (Paper No. 60, p. 11, first five lines).                          
               The APJ held that Ewen had not met his burden to                       
          establish the unpatentability of Claims 4-6, 8 and 12-26 under              
          35 U.S.C.                                                                   
          § 112, first and second paragraphs (Paper No. 60, p. 11,                    
          second full para.), because he had not explained why the claim              
          language does not satisfy the requirements thereof.  Ewen                   
          relies on the declarations of Drs. Scott and Atwood in support              
          of the motions.  The APJ (1) found that “[i]t is only                       

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