EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 31

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          “sequence length” has a well known meaning in the art and                   
          refers to                                                                   
          average values that can be derived by statistical/mathematical              
          calculations.  The APJ saw no reason to change his prior                    
          interpretation (Paper No. 68, pp. 2-3, bridging para.).                     
               The APJ again cited the prior art teaching in Randall,                 
          James C. (Randall), “Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance                   
          Quantitative Measurements of Average Sequence Lengths of Like               
          Stereochemical Additions in Polypropylene and Polystyrene,”                 
          Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, Vol. 14,               
          (1976)(Dolle Ex. No. 6 (DE 6)), specifically at page 2086,                  
          that “[f]or a sequence length measurement, an average number                
          of repeating units is desired that describes the typical run                
          of like stereochemical configurations terminated by opposite                
          configurations at the opposite end” as support for the                      
          interpretation that the term “sequence length” in Dolle’s                   
          claims refers to an average number of repeating units (Paper                
          No. 68,                                                                     
          p. 3, second para.).  On reconsideration of all the evidence,               
          the APJ found that the greater weight supported his                         
          interpretation (Paper No. 68, p. 3, second para., last                      


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