EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 32

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               HH. September 15, 1998 -- The APJ entered Decision on                  
          Dolle § 1.633(c)(2) Motion to Redefine Interfering Subject                  
          Matter (Paper 64)(Paper No. 77).  The APJ held that proposed                
          amended Claims 4, 16 and 19 and proposed new Claims 31-37 are               
          directed to the same patentable invention as, and correspond                
          to, Count 2.  Therefore, the APJ granted Dolle’s motion to                  
          amend Claims 4, 16 and 19 of, and add new Claims 31-37 to,                  
          Application 07/147,006 (Paper No. 77, p. 2, second para.).                  
          The APJ held that amended Claims 4, 16 and 19 and new Claims                
          31-37 are not ambiguous and determined that neither the                     
          amended nor new claims are directed to new matter (Paper No.                
          77, p. 3, first and second full para.).                                     
               The APJ restated his view that new Claims 31-37                        
          significantly differ from Claims 27-30 which were held to be                
          unpatentable in view of the teaching in Ewen et al., U.S.                   
          Patent 4,892,851, in his Decision On Ewen Motion For Judgment               
          No. 1                                                                       
          Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.633(a)(Paper 18)(Paper No. 60).  Because                
          Claims 31-37 include “the limitation that polymers made using               
          the metallocenes have ‘molecular chains in which syndiotactic               
          and isotactic sequences are present and the sequence length is              


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