EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 35

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               polymers that do not have the requisite average sequence               
               length due to the particular process conditions do not                 
               the express limitations of the claim.  The construction                
               is consistent with Dolle’s specification.  See Dolle                   
               Specification, p. 3, lines 5-12.                                       
               II. September 15, 1998 -- Redeclaration Of Interference                
          (Paper No. 78).  The APJ redeclared the interference to                     
          designate the claims of the parties which correspond to                     
          substitute Count 2 (Appendix C) as follows (Paper No. 78, p.                
               Claims of the parties                                                  
                    Ewen   Patent 5,036,034       Claims 1-8                          
                         Application 08/489,800  Claims 1-28                          
                    Dolle  Application 08/147,006  Claims 4-6, 8, 12-37               
               Claims of the parties corresponding to count 2                         
                    Ewen   Patent 5,036,034       Claims 1-8                          
                    Application 08/489,800  Claims 1-28                               
                    Dolle  Application 08/147,006  Claims 4, 5, 6, 8,                 
               Claims of the parties not corresponding to count 2                     
                    Ewen      None                                                    
                    Dolle  None                                                       
               JJ. October 15, 1998 -- Decision Returning Paper (Paper                
          No. 80).  The APJ returned Ewen’s Request for Reconsideration               
          (Paper 79) of Decision on Dolle § 1.633(c)(2) Motion to                     
          Redefine Interfering Subject Matter (Paper 77), and the                     

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