EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 30

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          (2) to add new Claims 31-37 (Appendix D) in response to Sua                 
          Sponte Decision On Patentability Of Dolle’s Claims 4, 6-8, 12-              
          26 And Proposed Claims 27-30 [(Appendix E)](Paper No. 53).                  
               GG. July 31, 1998 -- The APJ entered Decision On                       
          Reconsideration (Paper No. 68) on Ewen’s Request For                        
          Reconsideration Or, Alternatively, Clarification Under 37 CFR               
          1.640(c)(Paper No. 62) of Decision On Ewen Motion For Judgment              
          No. 1 Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.633(a)(Paper 18)(Paper No. 60).                   
          Ewen asked the APJ to clarify the meaning, and alter his                    
          interpretation, of the phrase “sequence length” in Dolle’s                  
          claims.  In response, the APJ stated (Paper No. 68, p. 2,                   
          first para.):                                                               
               . . . I construed “sequence length” as used in the phrase              
               “a syndio-isoblock polymer having molecular chains in                  
               syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present and the               
               sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units....” to mean the              
               average length of the isotactic and syndiotactic                       
               of the polymers.  By this I meant that the average length              
               of the isotactic and the syndiotactic chains must each be              
               within the range 3 to 50 monomer units. . . . In my view,              
               the person having ordinary skill in the art considering                
               Dolle’s specification as a whole would conclude that the               
               “sequence length” of 3 to 50 monomer units referred to in              
               the claims was the n  and n  defined in thesyn     iso                                        
               and reported in the examples.                                          
          The APJ indicated that his prior interpretation was supported               
          by the uncontradicted Winter declaration that the phrase                    

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