EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 29

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          encompassing metallocenes defined by a structural formula of                
          Count 2, describes the specific subject matter of Count 2 in                
          the manner required by the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.              
          Therefore, the APJ denied Ewen benefit of the filing date of                
          Application 07/220,007 (Paper No. 61, pp. 3-4, bridging                     
          para.), citing Lockwood v. American Airlines, Inc., 107 F.3d                
          1565, 1571-72, 41 USPQ2d 1961, 1966 (Fed. Cir. 1997):                       
               Entitlement to a filing date does not extend to subject                
               matter which is not disclosed, but would be obvious over               
               what is expressly disclosed.  It extends only to that                  
               which is disclosed.  While the meaning of the terms,                   
               phrases, or diagrams in a disclosure is to be explained                
               or interpreted from the vantage point of one skilled                   
               in the art, all the limitations must appear in the                     
               specification.  The question is not whether a claimed                  
                    invention is an obvious variant of that which is                  
          disclosed      in the specification.  Rather, a prior                       
          application itself       must describe an invention, and do so              
          in sufficient detail                                                        
               that one skilled in the art can clearly conclude that                  
               the inventor invented the claimed invention as of the                  
               filing date sought.                                                    
               FF. July 15, 1998 -- Dolle filed a §1.633(c)(2) Motion                 
          To Redefine Interfering Subject Matter (Paper No. 64).  Dolle               
          moved (1) to amend Claims 4, 16 and 19 (Appendix D) of                      
          Application 08/147,006, purportedly to correct a typographical              
          error, and                                                                  


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