EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 122

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               substituted ring, etc.                                                 
          On the other hand, Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, repeatedly                  
          teaches that hemiisotactic olefin polymers are                              
          “noncrystalline”.  Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, states (col.                
          2, l. 18-22; emphasis added):                                               
               When R  groups are on the same side of the principal                   
               chain, the structure is isotactic.  Since only every                   
               one conforms to the isotactic structure, it is “hemi”.                 
               material is a noncrystalline polymer.                                  
          Ewen expressly states, “Hemiisotactic polypropylene is                      
          noncrystalline due to the disorder and irregularity of these                
          random groups” (Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, col. 4, l. 36-38;              
          emphasis added).  “The noncrystalline hemiisotactic                         
          polypropylene has use as a plasticizer for syndiotactic or                  
          isotactic polypropylene” (Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, col. 6,              
          l. 4-6; emphasis added).  “Hemiisotactic polypropylene is                   
          noncrystalline and can be used as a plasticizer with                        
          syndiotactic and isotactic polypropylene” (Ewen, U.S. Patent                
          5,036,034, col. 9, l. 30-32; emphasis added).  Most generally,              
          Ewen states, ”Hemiisotactic polymer is noncrystalline and with              
          its partial stereoregular structure would have properties of a              
          plasticizer” (Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, col. 6, l. 17-19;                


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