EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 118

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          could successfully be used to catalyze polymerization of an                 
          olefin or olefins to produce a syndio-isoblock polymer having               
          molecular chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences              
          are present and the average sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer              
          units, as we interpret the language of Count 2 of this                      
          interference and interpreted the corresponding language in                  
          Dolle’s claims in light of his specification.  Count 2 of this              
          interference is directed only to those metallocene compounds                
          and catalysts, and processes of polymerizing olefins using                  
          only those metallocene compounds and catalysts, which produce               
          syndio-isoblock polymers having molecular chains in which                   
          syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present and the                    
          average sequence length of the syndiotactic and isotactic                   
          sequences present is 3 to 50 monomer units.                                 
          We find that Ewen et al., U.S. Patent 4,892,851, does not                   
          describe a single embodiment of Count 2 in the manner required              
          for Party Ewen to be accorded benefit of the July 15, 1988,                 
          filing date of Application 07/220,007 from which U.S. Patent                
          4,892,851 issued.                                                           
               However, Count 2 of this interference is alternatively                 
          directed to those metallocene compounds and catalysts, and                  
          processes of polymerizing olefins using those metallocene                   


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