EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 120

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          issued, are not syndio-isoblock polymers having molecular                   
          chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are                    
          present and the sequence length is                                          
          3 to 50 monomer units.                                                      
               Hereinabove, we defined a “hemiisotactic polyolefin”                   
          generally as having one or more of the following                            
              \    \    \    \    \    \    \                                         
                    \         \         \                                             
                              Hemiisotactic polyolefin                                
          wherein each \  is a radical -(CH ) -CH , where n is 0 or an                
                                           2 n  3                                     
          integer, which is randomly positioned on either one side of                 
          the polymer plane or the other (Ewen Brief, p. 4; Ewen, U.S.                
          Patent 5,036,034, col. 1, l. 52, to col. 2, l. 22, and col. 4,              
          l. 15-38).  Based on the above definition itself, it might                  
          appear that persons having ordinary skill in the art prima                  
          facie would have understood that all syndiotactic polymers are              
          hemiisotactic polymers, each of whose specific stereostructure              
          varies with the syndiospecificity of the metallocene catalyst.              
          To the contrary, based on all the evidence in this                          
          interference, we find that the hemiisotactic polymers of Ewen,              
          U.S. Patent 5,036,034, are not generic to the syndiotactic                  


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