EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 123

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          emphasis added).  Similarly, Dolle states (Dolle Application                
          08/147,006, spec., p. 12,                                                   
          l. 29-32; emphasis added):                                                  
               Owing to this steric structure, the syndio-isoblock                    
               polymers according to the invention are amorphous or                   
               partly crystalline depending on the molecular weight                   
               and on the syndiotactic and isotactic sequence length.                 
               Party Ewen has not explained why the highly crystalline                
          syndiotactic polymers described in Ewen et al, U.S. Patent                  
          4,892,851, and processes and/or metallocene catalysts useful                
          for producing the highly crystalline syndiotactic polymers                  
          described in Ewen et al, U.S. Patent 4,892,851, describe                    
          either an amorphous or partly crystalline syndio-isoblock                   
          polymer described in Dolle Application 08/147,006, a process                
          and/or metallocene catalyst useful for producing an amorphous               
          or partly crystalline syndio-isoblock polymer described in                  
          Dolle Application 08/147,006, a noncrystalline hemiisotactic                
          polymer described in Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, or a process              
          and/or metallocene catalyst useful for producing a                          
          noncrystalline hemiisotactic polymer described in Ewen, U.S.                
          Patent 5,036,034.  Accordingly, we must deny Party Ewen’s                   
          motion (Paper No. 22) to be accorded benefit of the July 15,                
          1988, filing date of Application 07/220,007, which issued                   
          January 9, 1990, as U.S. Patent 4,892,851.                                  

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