Ex Parte OKAMOTO et al - Page 17

          Appeal No. 2000-0132                                                        
          Application No. 08/934,791                                                  

          in claims 54, 55, and 61.  Thus, the examiner relies on the                 
          disclosures of Ayers, Yuki, and Determann, in addition to the               
          disclosures of Hagel and Mike, for ground cellulose triphenyl               
          carbamate particles having the claimed size.  We need not                   
          consider the disclosures of Ayers, Yuki, and Determann since                
          Hagel teaches or at least would have suggested ground cellulose             
          triphenyl carbamate particles having the claimed size as                    
          indicated supra.  Hence, we conclude that the examiner has                  
          established a prima facie case of obviousness regarding the                 
          subject matter of claims 54, 55, and 61.                                    
               The appellants rely on the Rule 132 declaration executed by            
          Akito Ichida and Hirokazu Ikeda to show that the claimed subject            
          matter imparts unexpected results, thereby rebutting the prima              
          facie case established by the examiner.  Having carefully                   
          reviewed the showing in the declaration, we are not persuaded               
          that the appellants have carried their burden of showing                    
          unexpected results.  See In re Klosak, 455 F.2d 1077, 1080, 173             
          USPQ 14, 16 (CCPA 1972).                                                    
               We initially observe that the appellants rely on a                     
          comparative showing between separating agent 1c supposedly                  
          corresponding to the ground cellulose triphenyl carbamate                   
          described in Hagel and separating agent 3c corresponding to the             


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