Ex Parte DURHAM et al - Page 6

              Appeal No. 2000-2228                                                                  Page 6                 
              Application No. 09/067,153                                                                                   

              circuits 402, which comprise a plurality of domino logic rows (see, Figs. 5A and 5B) do                      
              not merely pass through the received DATA signals from register 401, but perform                             
              domino logic operations on those DATA signals so that they are not the same DATA                             
              signals when outputted as DATA_OUT.”  (Appeal Br. at 5.)  The reference supports                             
              their avowal by two implications.  First, an explanation that “[m]acro 402 receives the                      
              incoming data and produces output data that is transmitted to . . . AND circuit 404,”                        
              col. 3, ll. 56-58 (emphasis added), implies that the macro modifies the incoming data.                       
              Second, a labeling of the incoming data, viz., “INPUT1, INPUT2, and INPUT3,” Fig. 5A,                        
              differently from the output data, viz., “DATA_OUT,” Fig. 5B, implies the same.                               

                     The examiner’s failure to show a control circuit that causes data to be transferred                   
              from a transparent latch register to a combinatorial static logic block without the data                     
              being modified negates anticipation.  Therefore, we reverse the rejection of claim 1 and                     
              of claims 2, 3, 5, and 9, which depend therefrom.                                                            

                     In summary, the rejection of claims 1-3, 5, and 9 under § 102(b) is reversed.                         

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