Ex Parte PHILLIPS et al - Page 2

             Appeal No. 2001-1862                                                                                     
             Application No. 09/102,044                                                                               

                    Appellants’ invention relates to a debit purchasing of stored value card for use by               
             and/or delivery to others.  An understanding of the invention can be derived from a                      
             reading of exemplary claim 53, which is reproduced below.                                                
                    53. A computer implemented method for issuing a stored value card                                 
                    affiliated with a predetermined credit network and an issuer, wherein the                         
                    credit network and the issuer each have separate identification indicia, the                      
                    method comprising:                                                                                
                           presenting an individual purchaser with an opportunity to buy the                          
                    stored value card;                                                                                
                           determining with a computer processor whether the individual                               
                    purchaser has sufficient funds to pay for the stored value card;                                  
                           creating in a computer database an independent stored value card                           
                    account for a recipient designated by the individual purchaser, the                               
                    independent stored value card account only accessible by the recipient                            
                    such that the individual purchaser is unable to add funds to the                                  
                    independent account beyond the initial issue amount, wherein the                                  
                    independent stored value card account comprises information about:                                
                           a) the recipient's name;                                                                   
                           b) a stored value card account number; and                                                 
                           c) a stored value card purchase amount;                                                    
                           issuing the stored value card, wherein the stored value card is                            
                    marked with the designated recipient's name and at least one of the credit                        
                    network identification indicia and the issuer identification indicia, and                         
                    wherein the stored value card is accepted for purchases anywhere the                              
                    predetermined credit network is accepted for purchases; and                                       


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