Ex Parte PHILLIPS et al - Page 7

             Appeal No. 2001-1862                                                                                     
             Application No. 09/102,044                                                                               

                    With this as background, we analyze the prior art applied by the examiner in the                  
             rejection of the claims on appeal.                                                                       
                                                   GROUP ONE                                                          
                    The examiner maintains that the claimed invention is obvious in view of the                       
             broad teachings of the Your Choice MasterCard prepaid card.  (See answer at pages                        
             4-9.)  The examiner goes to great length to explain her position concerning all the                      
             claimed features as they are taught or deemed obvious in view of “old and well-known”                    
             facts in the prior art.  In the discussion of the claimed elements the examiner relies                   
             upon  “old and well-known” facts no less than six times in the discussion of independent                 
             claim 53.  While there is no limitation on the number of times an examiner relies upon                   
             “old and well-known” facts and Official Notice nor the number of references that may be                  
             relied upon to reject a claim, there is ultimately a point in the prosecution when                       
             appellants may demand that the examiner provide evidence to support those facts                          
             maintained as “old and well-known.”  Here, appellants have not specifically rebutted                     
             that the individual facts maintained by the examiner as “old and well-known” are indeed                  
             “old and well-known.”  (See brief at pages 6-12.)  Rather, appellants argue that the                     
             examiner has not addressed the subject  matter as a whole.  (See brief at page 8.)  We                   


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