ZHOU et al. V. KEAGY et al. - Page 25

                                                                                   Interference No. 104,649             
                                                                                               Page No. 22              
              transparent optical film that brightens up LCD displays. (KX 1003). By employing the                      
              microprisms, the film is said to channel light within a viewing cone for optimum on-axis                  

              III. Opinion                                                                                              
                     A. Overview of Preliminary Motions                                                                 
                     The parties have presented a total of five preliminary motions for our consideration.              
              Specifically, Keagy has filed a preliminary motion requesting that the interference be redefined          
              by designating Zhou claims 11 -13 as corresponding to Count 1. (Keagy Preliminary Motion 1,               
              Paper No. 30, p. 1). In contrast, Zhou has filed four preliminary motions. Zhou has requested             
              that we hold Keagy's corresponding claims unpatentable over prior art (Zhou Preliminary Motion            
              1, Paper No. 24) and unpatentable for lack of written description and indefiniteness (Zhou                
              Preliminary Motion 2, Paper No. 25). Additionally, Zhou has requested that Keagy be denied                

              benefit of its earlier filed U.S. application (Zhou Preliminary Motion 3, Paper No. 26). Lastly,          
              Zhou has requested that Zhou claims 14-17 and 28 be designated as not corresponding to Count              
              1. (Zhou Preliminary Motion 4, Paper No. 27).                                                             
                     A party filing a motion under 37 CFR § 1.633 has the burden of proof to show that it is            
              entitled to the relief sought in the motion. 37 CFR § 1.637(a). As discussed in detail below, with        
              the exception of Zhou Preliminary Motion 4 to undesignate claims, all of the preliminary motions          
              filed in this interference are denied as the respective moving parties have failed to meet their          
              burden of proof.                                                                                          

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Last modified: November 3, 2007