ZHOU et al. V. KEAGY et al. - Page 26

                                                                                   Interference No. 104,649             
                                                                                               Page No. 23              
                      B. Zhou Preliminary Motion I Fails to Demonstrate that Keagy's Corresponding                      
                             Claims are Anticipated or Rendered Obvious by the Prior Art                                
                      Zhou Preliminary Motion 1 requests judgment that Keagy's corresponding claims be held             
              unpatentable as either being anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102 or rendered unpatentable under 35          
              U.S.C. § 103, in view of the prior art. (Zhou Preliminary Motion 1, Paper No. 24, p. 1). In               
              particular, Zhou argues that Chen et al., U.S. Patent No. 5,448,649 ("Chen '649") anticipates             
              Keagy's corresponding claims. Additionally, Zhou argues that Keagy's corresponding claims are             
              obvious over Sibbald, U.S. Patent No. 5,619,586 ("Sibbald '586") in view of Cobb, Jr., U.S.               
              Patent No. 4,906,070 ("Cobb '070") as well as Elmes et al., U.S. Patent No. 4,455,083 ("Elmes             
              '083") and Usui et al., U.S. Patent No. 5,210,796 ("Usui '796"). These grounds of rejection are           
              discussed below.                                                                                          

                             I . Chen '649 Is Not "Prior Art" to Keagy's Corresponding Claims                           
                      As noted by Zhou, Keagy's involved '744 application was filed as a continuation of its            
              earlier '418 application, which itself is a continuation of Keagy's earlier '098 application filed on     
              September 16, 1994. (Paper No. 24, p. 2, 111-2). Chen '649 issued from an application filed on            
              May 24, 1994. (ZX 2008, front page). Accordingly, on its face, Chen '649 is available as prior            
              art under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e).                                                                             
                      During the prosecution of Keagy's '098 application, the examiner rejected some of                 
              Keagy's pending claims as obvious over Chen '649. (ZX 2004, Office Action of 11/29/95, p. 9).             
              In response to the rejection over Chen, Keagy filed several declarations under 37 CFR § 1. 131 in         
              an effort to overcome the Chen reference. According to Zhou, however, these declarations are              

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