Ex Parte PAFF - Page 23

          Appeal No. 1998-0872                                                        
          Application No. 08/438,479                                Page 23           

          the incident can be automatically switched on.  From the                    
          statements in Smart that any video associated with the incident             
          can be automatically switched and can be automatically turned and           
          focused on the appropriate location, we find that Smart discloses           
          that the video surveillance camera will pan and tilt to the                 
          incident (target) location selected by the operator.                        
          Accordingly, the rejection of claims 111-113 under 35 U.S.C.                
          § 103 is affirmed.                                                          
               We turn next to the rejection of claim 114 (Group VIII).               
          Appellant asserts (brief, page 19) that the claim requires that             
          when the operator designates a point within a preselected region            
          of the topographical image, a preselected video camera will                 
          automatically aim without necessarily displaying the live video             
          image from that camera.  Appellant argues that Smart does not               
          show or suggest the designation of a point within a preselected             
          region on the graphical image to automatically cause a camera to            
          aim at that point.                                                          
               We affirm the rejection of claim 114 for reasons similar to            
          our affirmance of the rejection of claim 111, supra.  We agree              
          with the examiner (answer, page 19) that "it is considered                  
          obvious that each of the cameras shown in Figure 4 of Smart has a           
          preselected region of interest to be surveilled," and that it is            

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