Ex Parte CIMA et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-2813                                                        
          Application No. 08/463,203                                                  

          Appellants' invention relates to a medical device for tissue                
          regeneration formed using a solid free-form fabrication method.             
          Examples of such methods are set forth on page 4 of the                     
          specification, where it is additionally noted that three                    
          dimensional printing (hereinafter 3D-printing) is the preferred             
          method for creating appellants' medical devices.  Appellants'               
          devices are constructed to include a matrix of successive layers            
          of biocompatible polymeric material having interconnected pores             
          extending throughout the matrix suitable for seeding or ingrowth            
          of cells.  Claims 19 and 21 are representative of the subject               
          matter on appeal and a copy of those claims, as they appear in              
          Appendix I of appellants' brief, is attached to this decision.              

          The single prior art reference relied upon by the examiner                  
          in rejecting the appealed claims is:                                        
          Fink et al. (Fink)       5,370,692                Dec.  6, 1994             
                                                  (filed Aug. 14, 1992)               

          Claims 19, 31, 32/19 and 36/19 stand rejected under                         
          35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being clearly anticipated by Fink.                    

          Claims 20, 22/20, 29, 30 and 33 through 35 stand rejected                   
          under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by Fink or, in the            


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