Ex Parte CIMA et al - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1998-2813                                                        
          Application No. 08/463,203                                                  

               Claims 21, 22/21, 23 through 25, 32/21 and 36/21 stand                 
          rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Fink.             
          Independent claim 21 is similar to claim 20 discussed above and             
          for the same reasons as we noted with regard to claim 20 it is              
          our opinion that the examiner has failed to establish a prima               
          facie case of obviousness with regard to appellants' claim 21.              
          We have no reason to conclude that the matrix of the device                 
          formed by appellants' method in claim 21 and that formed in the             
          process noted above in Fink are "substantially identical" one to            
          the other, and the examiner has provided no reasons which support           
          or mandate such a conclusion.  In our view, the polymer/solvent             
          bonding of polymeric powders in appellants' method (claim 21) and           
          the laser photo polymerization suggested in Fink will result in             
          devices with matrix structures that are clearly different from              
          one another.  Thus, the examiner's rejection of claim 21 and all            
          of the claims which depend therefrom will not be sustained.                 

          This leaves the examiner's § 103 rejection of claims 23                     
          through 25 as they depend from claim 19 for our consideration.              
          In this instance, appellants have argued (brief, page 13) that              
          Fink does not teach or suggest devices as set forth in these                
          claims including a matrix that has walls that are 100 microns               
          thick (claim 23), or devices including a matrix formed of the               


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