Ex Parte SHRIER et al - Page 23

                 Appeal No. 2002-0510                                                                                 Page 23                     
                 Application No. 09/139,309                                                                                                       

                 potting compound 14p," col. 3, ll. 47-50, the examiner fails to show that the prior art as                                       
                 a whole recognized that the output of the assembly of varistors would have been                                                  
                 affected by adjusting the thickness of its insulation cover 28.  Recognition of this                                             
                 dependence is essential to the obviousness of conducting experiments to decide the                                               
                 thickness that will offer an acceptable output.  The examiner gives no basis for the                                             
                 obviousness of the necessary experiments apart from the appellants' disclosure                                                   
                 thereof.  Therefore, we reverse the obviousness rejection of claims 17 and 18 and of                                             
                 claims 19 and 20, which respectively depend therefrom, over Downing and Hyatt.                                                   

                           Obviousness Rejections of Claims 17-20 over Slepian, Hyatt, and Beck                                                   
                                                 and over Downing, Hyatt, and Beck                                                                
                         At the outset, we note that although the appellants point out differences in what                                        
                 claims 17-20 cover, (Appeal Br. at 17), this is not an argument why the claims are                                               
                 separately patentable.  Therefore, claims 18-20 stand or fall with representative                                                
                 claim 17.                                                                                                                        

                         With this representation in mind, we address the two points of contention                                                
                 between the examiner and the appellants.  First, the appellants repeat their argument                                            
                 that none of the references teach the use of different layers having different particle                                          
                 loadings.  To wit, they argue that "Beck, at al. also does not teach differently formulated                                      
                 layers of variable voltage material."  (Appeal Br. at 18.)  For the reasons explained                                            

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